Is the University of Texas at Dallas a good school?
I am a UTD student and a relative of mines goes to Cornell University and I saw that Cornell is like a really high top rank university. UTD is like a new school it was founded in 1969, I know top ranked universities were made like in the 1700s, but I really want to know if UTD can be a top ranked univeristy like a school that is really really known and stuff. I know the best school in Texas is UT at Austin but can or is UTD a really good top ranked school or really known? UTD is kindof new b/c they just made a dining hall and a residence hall there last year and built apartments there a few years ago. I think because it is a young school it is not a really known school, but I don't know. for ppl who are trying to make me look stupid, I already post this in higher education.
Dallas - 3 Answers
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so you ask in travel and not higher education? utd is the place for you. you don't need help.
The funny thing is once you get out in the real world most employers don't care where you went to college. I've never been asked in any interview about the university I went to or even what I majored in. They just care that you have a degree. UTD is a good school. Your relative just wants to feel secure with the $90,000+ in student loans they'll have to pay off when they graduate. Cornell was founded in 1865. Caltech, Cal Berkeley, Pepperdine, Harvey Mudd, USC, UCLA and all the top tier West Coast universities were mostly created in the late 1800's, early 1900's. The best school in Texas is Rice University as much as it pains me to say that. They have top notch math and engineering programs. Top ranked colleges get that distinction because of many things. How many Nobel prize winners went there or teach there, how many doctoral programs they offer, how picky they are with admissions, endowment, research grants, important discoveries, etc, etc. That stuff does take time to acquire.
Your question doesn't sound like it was written by a college student. No, UTD is not a top ranked, well known school, and it will never compare to Cornell, but there's nothing wrong with UTD and the tuition is certainly a lot less.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
are the jonas brothers going to berkner high school since they moved to dallas, texas??
are the jonas brothers going to berkner high school since they moved to dallas, texas??
well.. are they goin to berkner high school. or are they just being home schooled
Celebrities - 6 Answers
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one, joe and kevin have graduated, and two why would nick go to public school, hed get mobbed
Kevin and Joe graduated high school! and nick is home schooled...he's FAMOUS. srry but did u think u were going to go to school with them?
Joe and Kevin are grads and Nick is a DEFINITE possibility he won't go to Public school because he will get mobbed and they go on tours remember! He won't have time to go to school during the day. Peace Love Jonas Hope i helped
nick is homes schooled. joe && kevin graduated high scholl already.
well first of all joe and kevin graduated. Maybe nick will go maybe not but more than likely for his safety no. Even though some people may claim they wont treat him different they more than likely will. Have you seen half the things fans have written about doing when they would see nick. Every girl will not be able to concentrate. For his safety and the girls education I doubt it
nick more than likely continued to get home for frankie...with being as famous as they are...theres no way that they could survive going back to public least thats what i would think
well.. are they goin to berkner high school. or are they just being home schooled
Celebrities - 6 Answers
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one, joe and kevin have graduated, and two why would nick go to public school, hed get mobbed
Kevin and Joe graduated high school! and nick is home schooled...he's FAMOUS. srry but did u think u were going to go to school with them?
Joe and Kevin are grads and Nick is a DEFINITE possibility he won't go to Public school because he will get mobbed and they go on tours remember! He won't have time to go to school during the day. Peace Love Jonas Hope i helped
nick is homes schooled. joe && kevin graduated high scholl already.
well first of all joe and kevin graduated. Maybe nick will go maybe not but more than likely for his safety no. Even though some people may claim they wont treat him different they more than likely will. Have you seen half the things fans have written about doing when they would see nick. Every girl will not be able to concentrate. For his safety and the girls education I doubt it
nick more than likely continued to get home for frankie...with being as famous as they are...theres no way that they could survive going back to public least thats what i would think
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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I go to school in Arlington, Texas... so we're neighbors :) But in order to graduate from the state of Texas, you only need 24 credits. To graduate under the Recommended/ Distinguished Program, you should have 26. But the bare minimum is still 24 credits.
It depends. YOUR graduation requirements STICK depending on the year you entered the 9th grade. So if the requirement was 24 during the school year that you entered 9th grade, then it still is for you. However, if you entered 9th grade in the 2007-2008 school year, you have to complete 26 credits for the recommended graduation route. It looks like they have a "fast track program" that is only 22, but I am SURE this has a LOT of restrictions. Check out the link below; it details all the requirements for you :)
You need 26 credits to graduate recommended or distingushed and like 21 credits to graduate minum!
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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I go to school in Arlington, Texas... so we're neighbors :) But in order to graduate from the state of Texas, you only need 24 credits. To graduate under the Recommended/ Distinguished Program, you should have 26. But the bare minimum is still 24 credits.
It depends. YOUR graduation requirements STICK depending on the year you entered the 9th grade. So if the requirement was 24 during the school year that you entered 9th grade, then it still is for you. However, if you entered 9th grade in the 2007-2008 school year, you have to complete 26 credits for the recommended graduation route. It looks like they have a "fast track program" that is only 22, but I am SURE this has a LOT of restrictions. Check out the link below; it details all the requirements for you :)
You need 26 credits to graduate recommended or distingushed and like 21 credits to graduate minum!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Are there any old school arcades in the Dallas/Ft Worth area in Texas?
Are there any old school arcades in the Dallas/Ft Worth area in Texas?
I mean old old school. An arcade that mostly has games like Galaga and Pacman. It'd be nice if it had a bar too.
Amusement Parks - 1 Answers
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look in the yellow pages but i havent seen any
I mean old old school. An arcade that mostly has games like Galaga and Pacman. It'd be nice if it had a bar too.
Amusement Parks - 1 Answers
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look in the yellow pages but i havent seen any
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Which school is better and why: University of Texas - Arlington OR University of Texas - Dallas?
Which school is better and why: University of Texas - Arlington OR University of Texas - Dallas?
Anyone who has attended, knows anyone that has attended, or has simply heard random things about either school are invited to answer. All answers appreciated! P.S. - I will be studying Business Administration.
Dallas - 4 Answers
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UTA is very good in this. but with business admin, you cant go wrong with any good school. I think you can even take this at TCC.
if you want more of a college experience, then you will want to go to UTA. I live about 10 mins from UTD (when i'm not at college), and UTA is much more like a college. UTD doesn't have any dorms, but rather apartments. So that alone is a huge part of a college experience. Also, Arlington also has Ranger Stadium and Six Flags...great things to do on the weekends!
I graduated from UTA and did graduate work at UTD. If you are going to live on campus and want the full college experience, go to UTA. If you basically want a commuter college, go to UTD.
UTD is known for its math, engineering and science. It is a Division III school, with smaller classes, a pretty tough admissions policy (like calculus is required for admission), and a great sports program in soccer, baseball and other sports. UTA is the second largest college in the Texas system. It is an NCAA Div I-AA school. Admissions is not so selective. I would recommend that you visit both campuses. Both have a high degree of day students. From the perspective of which is better from the perspective of reputation on the job market, I cannot tell you.
Anyone who has attended, knows anyone that has attended, or has simply heard random things about either school are invited to answer. All answers appreciated! P.S. - I will be studying Business Administration.
Dallas - 4 Answers
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UTA is very good in this. but with business admin, you cant go wrong with any good school. I think you can even take this at TCC.
if you want more of a college experience, then you will want to go to UTA. I live about 10 mins from UTD (when i'm not at college), and UTA is much more like a college. UTD doesn't have any dorms, but rather apartments. So that alone is a huge part of a college experience. Also, Arlington also has Ranger Stadium and Six Flags...great things to do on the weekends!
I graduated from UTA and did graduate work at UTD. If you are going to live on campus and want the full college experience, go to UTA. If you basically want a commuter college, go to UTD.
UTD is known for its math, engineering and science. It is a Division III school, with smaller classes, a pretty tough admissions policy (like calculus is required for admission), and a great sports program in soccer, baseball and other sports. UTA is the second largest college in the Texas system. It is an NCAA Div I-AA school. Admissions is not so selective. I would recommend that you visit both campuses. Both have a high degree of day students. From the perspective of which is better from the perspective of reputation on the job market, I cannot tell you.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
WHat would a middle school reading teacher make in the Dallas area of Texas?
WHat would a middle school reading teacher make in the Dallas area of Texas?
I am an 8 year teacher who is interested in the salary scales in the Dallas area. Also, I notice housing is so cheap. Are there teaching jobs available? My husband is a machinist. What' s the job availablity like for that? Any links to job adds/ education links in the area would be helpful.
Teaching - 4 Answers
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Salaries are set by the local school boards. Check the school district web sites in the Dallas area. They usually have the salary schedule listed as well as any openings. For housing, get in touch with a realtor in the area.
beginning teacher salary from $34000 to $37000;
They start about $42,000 with no experience. I suggest submitting you application. Look on the web and you will find the pay schedule for a teacher of 8 years . I Think u would be around 43-45K
The salary range is very wide in the DFW area depending on how far away you get from downtown proper. There are tons of suburb ISD's that are much less stressful and pay almost as well as Dallas ISD and Fort Worth ISD (don't rule the Fort Worth area out, it's much too close). Very outskirt towns will pay just above state base (don't quite know what that is - perhaps the 25,000 to 30,000 range), but as you move closer it goes up. The district just north of where I live is paying 44,000 to 1st year teachers. The one I live in is paying about 42,000 to 1st year teachers. And the one I work for is paying about 40,000 to 1st year teachers. Really the best place to start is to go to the region service center websites - Dallas is region 10 and Fort Worth is region 11 - and link to the district sites from there. Pull up a map of the DFW area to get an idea of where districts are - you can easily live in one and work in another (I drive 20 minutes to work, leave one district and pass through 2 more to get to the one I work in). Each district website will have a link to human resources (at least the majority will) to take a look at salary schedules and possible job openings. Just to let you know, Fort Worth does not post individual positions. Dallas may have the same policy. There are just so many jobs available in both districts that they simply cannot post them all; they just take applications. Here's the link to get you started:|&NodeID=231 Good luck!!! Actually, here are the more direct links: Region 10: Region 11:|&NodeID=119
I am an 8 year teacher who is interested in the salary scales in the Dallas area. Also, I notice housing is so cheap. Are there teaching jobs available? My husband is a machinist. What' s the job availablity like for that? Any links to job adds/ education links in the area would be helpful.
Teaching - 4 Answers
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Salaries are set by the local school boards. Check the school district web sites in the Dallas area. They usually have the salary schedule listed as well as any openings. For housing, get in touch with a realtor in the area.
beginning teacher salary from $34000 to $37000;
They start about $42,000 with no experience. I suggest submitting you application. Look on the web and you will find the pay schedule for a teacher of 8 years . I Think u would be around 43-45K
The salary range is very wide in the DFW area depending on how far away you get from downtown proper. There are tons of suburb ISD's that are much less stressful and pay almost as well as Dallas ISD and Fort Worth ISD (don't rule the Fort Worth area out, it's much too close). Very outskirt towns will pay just above state base (don't quite know what that is - perhaps the 25,000 to 30,000 range), but as you move closer it goes up. The district just north of where I live is paying 44,000 to 1st year teachers. The one I live in is paying about 42,000 to 1st year teachers. And the one I work for is paying about 40,000 to 1st year teachers. Really the best place to start is to go to the region service center websites - Dallas is region 10 and Fort Worth is region 11 - and link to the district sites from there. Pull up a map of the DFW area to get an idea of where districts are - you can easily live in one and work in another (I drive 20 minutes to work, leave one district and pass through 2 more to get to the one I work in). Each district website will have a link to human resources (at least the majority will) to take a look at salary schedules and possible job openings. Just to let you know, Fort Worth does not post individual positions. Dallas may have the same policy. There are just so many jobs available in both districts that they simply cannot post them all; they just take applications. Here's the link to get you started:|&NodeID=231 Good luck!!! Actually, here are the more direct links: Region 10: Region 11:|&NodeID=119
Friday, March 18, 2011
Are there any Radioloy Technician Schools in Dallas or Frisco Texas?
Are there any Radioloy Technician Schools in Dallas or Frisco Texas?
I am seeking a radiology program here in the Dallas Texas area. Does anyone know of one? Only replies from Texas please.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Well, I am in California, but since nobody from TX has answered you yet, I thought I would! :) There are many schools in many states where you can get trained to be a radiologic technologist (the proper term for a x-ray tech). You can attend a hospital based program (and earn a certificate), a 2 year college program (AS degree), and even a 4 year college program (BS degree). The hospital based programs are the least expensive, and honestly, I think the education received there is superior. Once you graduate and take your registry exam, no future employer is going to care what type of educational program you went through. All they care about is your license. You can find an accredited RT program at this site. Just search "radiography" and your state...links are provided which will give you additional information on each program (cost, duration of program, contact person): There are two accredited RT programs in Dallas. RTs do more than just x-rays of bones. We do fluoroscopy studies (involving the intestinal tract and barium), arthrograms (assisting the radiologist with injecting contrast or dye into joints for evaluation) and myelograms (assisting the radiologist with injecting contrast into the spinal canal). If you work in a hospital setting, you will do portable exams in ICU, CCU, the ER and even surgery. Some RTs take x-rays in the morgue. Most RTs will also become proficient and licensed in other modalities, such as mammography, CT and/or MRI. This training does not require any additional formal training, and is usually learned on the job. The more licenses you have, the more money you can make, as you will be in higher demand. With additional schooling, you can also do ultrasound. Well, I work in a free standing imaging center. My office is only open M-F, 8:00-5:00. No weekends, nights or call work. In a hospital, most imaging departments are staffed 24 hours a day. You could be scheduled to work nights, PM shifts, weekends, holidays....anytime really! I highly recommend you do an observation in both a hospital imaging department and a free standing imaging facility. Until you see what RTs do, you won't know if it is the job for you! It would also give you a wonderful opportunity to talk to RTs in your area. Best wishes..... Oh, another good resource....check out the student area of the ASRT website: The American Society of Radiologic Technologists just did a large salary survey. The salary varies, depending on your experience, specialties and geographical area. To view, the survey, and see the average salary in your state, you can go to this link:
I am seeking a radiology program here in the Dallas Texas area. Does anyone know of one? Only replies from Texas please.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Well, I am in California, but since nobody from TX has answered you yet, I thought I would! :) There are many schools in many states where you can get trained to be a radiologic technologist (the proper term for a x-ray tech). You can attend a hospital based program (and earn a certificate), a 2 year college program (AS degree), and even a 4 year college program (BS degree). The hospital based programs are the least expensive, and honestly, I think the education received there is superior. Once you graduate and take your registry exam, no future employer is going to care what type of educational program you went through. All they care about is your license. You can find an accredited RT program at this site. Just search "radiography" and your state...links are provided which will give you additional information on each program (cost, duration of program, contact person): There are two accredited RT programs in Dallas. RTs do more than just x-rays of bones. We do fluoroscopy studies (involving the intestinal tract and barium), arthrograms (assisting the radiologist with injecting contrast or dye into joints for evaluation) and myelograms (assisting the radiologist with injecting contrast into the spinal canal). If you work in a hospital setting, you will do portable exams in ICU, CCU, the ER and even surgery. Some RTs take x-rays in the morgue. Most RTs will also become proficient and licensed in other modalities, such as mammography, CT and/or MRI. This training does not require any additional formal training, and is usually learned on the job. The more licenses you have, the more money you can make, as you will be in higher demand. With additional schooling, you can also do ultrasound. Well, I work in a free standing imaging center. My office is only open M-F, 8:00-5:00. No weekends, nights or call work. In a hospital, most imaging departments are staffed 24 hours a day. You could be scheduled to work nights, PM shifts, weekends, holidays....anytime really! I highly recommend you do an observation in both a hospital imaging department and a free standing imaging facility. Until you see what RTs do, you won't know if it is the job for you! It would also give you a wonderful opportunity to talk to RTs in your area. Best wishes..... Oh, another good resource....check out the student area of the ASRT website: The American Society of Radiologic Technologists just did a large salary survey. The salary varies, depending on your experience, specialties and geographical area. To view, the survey, and see the average salary in your state, you can go to this link:
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
does anyone no this girl named cynthia martinez she lives in dallas texas and goes to kennemer middle school?
does anyone no this girl named cynthia martinez she lives in dallas texas and goes to kennemer middle school?
Dallas - 3 Answers
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You are a frog
i do now, thanks....
no, why?
Dallas - 3 Answers
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You are a frog
i do now, thanks....
no, why?
Monday, March 14, 2011
I need to find loan officers school in dallas, texas?
I need to find loan officers school in dallas, texas?
Dallas - 1 Answers
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A good loan officer school is Leonard-Hawes, a Kaplan University sister school. You can find them in the phone book. They have many locations throughtout dallas. It is only 149 for a three day class.
Dallas - 1 Answers
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A good loan officer school is Leonard-Hawes, a Kaplan University sister school. You can find them in the phone book. They have many locations throughtout dallas. It is only 149 for a three day class.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Is there any good on-line home-schools here in Dallas, Texas?
Is there any good on-line home-schools here in Dallas, Texas?
I'm 18 and a working mom! I had to drop out at my Junior year to start working. Now i want to finish school but don't have the time to make it to school everyday. Is there any good on-line home school or homeschooling that can work with me? I would even love to go back to school but don't think there is anything that can help me. Please any information can help... THANKS!!!
Home Schooling - 5 Answers
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try k12 it is so cool and free! they send you a computer and everything
Try K12-it's a free public homeschool option. You will also need to check the homeschool laws for your state. Good for you! You are taking care of your child and looking to finish your education. Go for it! Best of Luck! Jana
Texas Tech University...
Hi Libby, I have come across a site which would be useful to you. It has wide community of teachers, students and experts who give you educational tips and you can also give your practice exam absolutely free of charge. Then, Join now and make your bright future.
James Madison high school is a good home schooling program in dallas,tx.
I'm 18 and a working mom! I had to drop out at my Junior year to start working. Now i want to finish school but don't have the time to make it to school everyday. Is there any good on-line home school or homeschooling that can work with me? I would even love to go back to school but don't think there is anything that can help me. Please any information can help... THANKS!!!
Home Schooling - 5 Answers
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try k12 it is so cool and free! they send you a computer and everything
Try K12-it's a free public homeschool option. You will also need to check the homeschool laws for your state. Good for you! You are taking care of your child and looking to finish your education. Go for it! Best of Luck! Jana
Texas Tech University...
Hi Libby, I have come across a site which would be useful to you. It has wide community of teachers, students and experts who give you educational tips and you can also give your practice exam absolutely free of charge. Then, Join now and make your bright future.
James Madison high school is a good home schooling program in dallas,tx.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How many graduate schools in Dallas Texas offer a Masters Degree in Psychology?
How many graduate schools in Dallas Texas offer a Masters Degree in Psychology?
I'm just curious about what Dallas has to offer, and how expensive it is. So could someone give me an idea of where a good place would be and how much is cost? thanks so much!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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not enough
University of Dallas Argosy University
UT Southwestern offers a graduate degree in Clinical Psychology. They are among the top graduate schools in biomedical sciences in the United States. This is the link to the Clinical Psychology Degree page. This link has tuition costs specifically for the Clinical Psychology Degree. The links below tell you what's so great about this school. While UT Southwestern is the best choice, UT Dallas offers a Graduate Program in Psychological Sciences. They collaborate with UT Southwestern in many research opportunities. UT Dallas Graduate Program Tuition: ($9,856 per year) The University of Dallas also offers a Graduate Degree in Psychology.
I'm just curious about what Dallas has to offer, and how expensive it is. So could someone give me an idea of where a good place would be and how much is cost? thanks so much!
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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not enough
University of Dallas Argosy University
UT Southwestern offers a graduate degree in Clinical Psychology. They are among the top graduate schools in biomedical sciences in the United States. This is the link to the Clinical Psychology Degree page. This link has tuition costs specifically for the Clinical Psychology Degree. The links below tell you what's so great about this school. While UT Southwestern is the best choice, UT Dallas offers a Graduate Program in Psychological Sciences. They collaborate with UT Southwestern in many research opportunities. UT Dallas Graduate Program Tuition: ($9,856 per year) The University of Dallas also offers a Graduate Degree in Psychology.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
What is the best school system in Dallas, near Terrell, Texas?
What is the best school system in Dallas, near Terrell, Texas?
Question Girl: Which private school is the best then? And I have a little brother who will soon be starting kindergarten. Is it best he does private school too? I'm trying to give my parents some advice so we don't move to some town i dont like.
Dallas - 3 Answers
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Dallas school district has very few, but the suburbs have some great public schools (Plano, Allen, Garland, etc.) I don't know about Terrell...but Mesquite is pretty good.
the best public school district is undisputedly Highland park, but for private schools, any one in the north dallas area is extremely reputable (but REALLY expensive for most)
Question Girl: Which private school is the best then? And I have a little brother who will soon be starting kindergarten. Is it best he does private school too? I'm trying to give my parents some advice so we don't move to some town i dont like.
Dallas - 3 Answers
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Dallas school district has very few, but the suburbs have some great public schools (Plano, Allen, Garland, etc.) I don't know about Terrell...but Mesquite is pretty good.
the best public school district is undisputedly Highland park, but for private schools, any one in the north dallas area is extremely reputable (but REALLY expensive for most)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I live in Dallas Texas I am a mother of 4. I was thinking about going back to school.?
I live in Dallas Texas I am a mother of 4. I was thinking about going back to school.?
I don't have a GED or a high school diploma and I want to enroll in an online college. Do I need my GED or diploma to attend an online college?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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All online colleges are scams, they aren't accredited like a community college. First get your GED, the test isn't that hard its like 9th grade english. Then go to community college. Please note certain classes have to be in person, like math, if its a real school.
The other person obviously doesnt know what they are talking about. Yes, some online schools are scams, but some arent! You do NOT have to attend a school for a course like math! I am enrolled through a local college and take math online! Its harder but It is possible! Here is the site for the Department of Education, if you find a school check here at this website and with the B.B.B. before enrolling to make sure its not a scam! I also put the link for University of Phoenix, I know 5 people who have graduated from there with Bachelor degrees and are making decent money, my sister is currently enrolled there. (and yes for most schools you have to have a G.E.D. or Diploma) It's easy and only like $40 to take it!
I don't have a GED or a high school diploma and I want to enroll in an online college. Do I need my GED or diploma to attend an online college?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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All online colleges are scams, they aren't accredited like a community college. First get your GED, the test isn't that hard its like 9th grade english. Then go to community college. Please note certain classes have to be in person, like math, if its a real school.
The other person obviously doesnt know what they are talking about. Yes, some online schools are scams, but some arent! You do NOT have to attend a school for a course like math! I am enrolled through a local college and take math online! Its harder but It is possible! Here is the site for the Department of Education, if you find a school check here at this website and with the B.B.B. before enrolling to make sure its not a scam! I also put the link for University of Phoenix, I know 5 people who have graduated from there with Bachelor degrees and are making decent money, my sister is currently enrolled there. (and yes for most schools you have to have a G.E.D. or Diploma) It's easy and only like $40 to take it!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Nursing Schools in Dallas Texas or Surrounding?
Nursing Schools in Dallas Texas or Surrounding?
I am looking for Nursing Schools in Dallas or the surrounding areas that are reputable and would offer some kind of Nursing Degree anyone know of any? Im afraid of places like ATI for fear of getting ripped off, a school that offers more than a technical degree but less than a bachelors would be helpful
Dallas - 1 Answers
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I've always heard Baylor of Dallas was the best.
I am looking for Nursing Schools in Dallas or the surrounding areas that are reputable and would offer some kind of Nursing Degree anyone know of any? Im afraid of places like ATI for fear of getting ripped off, a school that offers more than a technical degree but less than a bachelors would be helpful
Dallas - 1 Answers
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I've always heard Baylor of Dallas was the best.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
In dallas, texas how good is Lake Highland High School?
In dallas, texas how good is Lake Highland High School?
In dallas, texas how good is the basketball team in Lake Highland High School, and what is the players name, jersey numbers, the position they play and what is the best player on the team plus the height of each player.
Basketball - 1 Answers
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Do your own scouting.
In dallas, texas how good is the basketball team in Lake Highland High School, and what is the players name, jersey numbers, the position they play and what is the best player on the team plus the height of each player.
Basketball - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Do your own scouting.
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Pharmacy Schools in Dallas Texas? Are there any Pharmacy Schools in Dallas or any of the suburbs of Dallas. I'm applying to Pharmacy ...
Where is a nice place to live in or near Dallas Texas? I'm looking to move over there. And I'm looking for a nice high school, wit...
What is the crime rate like in Dallas Texas? My son is looking at Dallas police force and would like to know what the crime is like there...